Podcast 2: Sustainable and People-centric Mining Execution Strategies

Sam Houston, Strategist Solutions, talks to the Mining Misfits. Tune In! In terms of execution strategies for large assets within mining, I think we need to be cognisant of some of these more people-centric opportunities as early on as possible; include it in your strategies from inception. Don’t wait until we get to operational readiness… Continue reading Podcast 2: Sustainable and People-centric Mining Execution Strategies

Podcast 1: Future of Mining 365 meets Strategist Solutions to talk Cognitive Diversity

Future of Mining 365 Podcast with Strategist Solutions

Sam Houston talks Cognitive Diversity on the Podcast of Future of Mining 365. Tune In!  Also, read our Article on Cognitive Diversity in the Mining Industry. Sam Houston: I love working with people; I love being a leader; I love the mining industry; and I started looking at the challenges the industry has around EDI, equality,… Continue reading Podcast 1: Future of Mining 365 meets Strategist Solutions to talk Cognitive Diversity

Cognitive Diversity #1: What Is It, and Why Do We Need It at The Very Top of Our Organisations?

When we think of large corporate conglomerates, we often imagine a large boardroom in a very tall, glass-lined building somewhere in a bustling city centre, filled with men in suits. In that boardroom, a flurry of activity greets us – with ideas presented on large screens whilst a crossfire of arguments, counter-arguments, suggestions, tweaks and… Continue reading Cognitive Diversity #1: What Is It, and Why Do We Need It at The Very Top of Our Organisations?

Cognitive Diversity #2: The Current State of Cognitive Diversity in Mining

Male worker with bulldozer in sand quarry

Mining Industry leaders share their views   Wanting to further develop my industry knowledge and theoretical grounding into a working framework on cognitive diversity that can be applied within mining organisations all over the world, it was first necessary to take a deep dive into the current status quo and find out where current leaders… Continue reading Cognitive Diversity #2: The Current State of Cognitive Diversity in Mining

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